Platform 02: Animals of the Spectacle
August 11 to September 16, 2011
Klondike Institute of Art & Culture
Dawson City, Yukon, Canada
Bill Burns | The Veblen Good: art, fuel and celebrity
Gallery Installation
Artist Talk: Thursday, August 11, 7pm, KIAC Ballroom
Reception follows in the ODD Gallery
Steve Badgett & Deborah Stratman | Augural Pair
Outdoor Site-specific Installation
Artist Talk: Thursday, August 11, 7pm, KIAC Ballroom
Arts Festival Installation Walk: Sunday—August 14, 1pm
David Neufeld | Landscapes and Dreamscapes:
Human Perspectives on Caribou
Saturday, October 29th, 4 PM in the KIAC Ballroom
Megan Graham | Belonging in Dawson
The Natural & Manufactured post-exhibition essay
The Natural & The Manufactured is a unique thematic project jointly organized by the ODD Gallery and the Artist in Residence Program at the Klondike Institute of Art & Culture. Conceived as a speculative research and presentation forum, the N&M looks to the myriad ways in which we both influence and are influenced by our natural and constructed environments.
The Natural & The Manufactured 2011: Platform 02— the ODD Gallery’s 7th annual edition of the project—features five prolific artists, writers and thinkers whose work and research shares an ongoing fascination with ideas of landscape, place and the environment. As the final component of our two-platform N&M series (the first, The Creation of Evolution, was a group show in June-July), the ODD Gallery is pleased to present two interactive public installations by Steve Badgett & Deborah Stratman (Chicago), a gallery exhibition of sculptures and watercolour paintings by Bill Burns (Toronto), a lecture by Parks Canada historian David Neufeld (Whitehorse), and a commissioned critical text by writer Megan Graham (Dawson). These projects collectively look at the connections between economics, cultural production and the natural world.
Through a rich program of exhibitions, installations, actions, lectures and essays, The Natural & The Manufactured endeavours to engage both artists and audiences in a re-examination of the cultural, physical and economic values imposed on the environment. This project seeks to explore alternative political, social and aesthetic agendas and strategies towards a reinterpretation and new understanding of our relationship to the environment and our social infrastructure: the indelible ways in which our natural landscapes influence, inspire and sustain us, and conversely the ways in which our perceptions of- and actions upon- these landscapes directly impact the environment itself.